5 Steps to an Easy, Healthy, Breakfast for Summer

Erin Collins
4 min readJun 11, 2021

No cooking required!

By: Erin Collins

Photo by Cleanlight Photo on Unsplash

You’ve always heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But if you’re like me, you usually end up microwaving last night’s leftovers and eating them while you dash out the door five minutes later than intended.

This year, I vowed to change that habit, and you can, too. In just five steps, you will learn to make a delicious, easy breakfast that will keep you energized and focused all the way until lunch.

1. Oats

That’s right, oats. Don’t like oatmeal? I don’t either. But we’re going to disguise it, so stay tuned.

Photo by Melissa Di Rocco on Unsplash

Get a container of old-fashioned or quick oats. Don’t get steel-cut or microwavable.

Pro tip: you can find oats at Dollar Tree.

The farmers’ market near me also has them in bulk for a fraction of the price of the branded Quaker oats. You’re going to bury them in other good stuff, anyway.

Put ¼ cup into a bowl. You’re on your way!

2. Plant milk

Sure, it’s trendy, but hear me out. It’s less expensive than regular milk and stays fresh a lot longer. Put it in cereal, smoothies, or oats without having to worry that it spoiled overnight.

Photo by Sandi Benedicta on Unsplash

You can even get different flavors like vanilla and banana.

If you aren’t into sweets, opt for unsweetened. It still has a hint of sweetness like cow’s milk, but it isn’t overpowering.

If you like thick, frothy milk in your morning coffee, you might be hesitant to switch to plant milk. I have tried them all, and I have determined that oat milk is by far the best contender when it comes to a dairy replacement. Since many people are turning toward different kinds of plant milk, oat milk popularity is on the rise, and you will have several options to choose from at the grocery store.

3. Frozen Berries

No matter the time of year, berries are super expensive. Berries are great for putting into smoothies, oatmeal, or even on top of ice cream. You don’t want to pay top dollar for berries that might spoil before you get the chance to use them all.

Photo by Dana DeVolk on Unsplash

That’s where frozen berries come in.

You can get a three-pound bag of frozen blueberries for six dollars.

If you don’t want to delve that far into the frozen berry option, check Dollar Tree since you’re already there for oats. They have smaller bags of berries and they are only, you guessed it, a dollar each.

4. Blend, baby, blend

Remember that plant milk and those frozen berries you just picked up? Put them in your blender.

Photo by Jake Weirick on Unsplash

½ cup of frozen berries and

1 cup of plant milk will give you delightfully purple berry milk.

And good news, you don’t have to drag out the blender every morning. You can make this once a week and store it in the fridge.

Pour it over your oats and you’re halfway to your Best Breakfast. Is your stomach growling yet?

5. Jazz it up

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

If you really want to start the day with a bang, add some bonus ingredients to your breakfast oats. I start by slicing a banana into the bowl.

You could also use fresh berries, peaches, or any other fruit that you love.

Then I sprinkle on a tablespoon each of the following:

Hemp Hearts: great for protein and omega fats

Chia seeds: provide fiber and antioxidants

Flaxseed meal: sneak in omega-3 and protein

Raw pumpkin seeds: boost magnesium and zinc

Start with those, or choose your own combination. Now, give it all a stir and enjoy.

Dig in

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

You made it! It’s that easy. Ok, maybe it’s not revolutionary, but it is healthy, filling, and delicious.

To recap:

  • 1/4 cup of oats in a bowl
  • 1/2 cup frozen berries and
  • 1 cup plant milk, blended
  • top with fruit and your choice of nuts and seeds

This easy, healthy breakfast is packed with fiber and nutrients to give you plenty of energy to go to class, run errands, or blow through your to-do list at work. What are you waiting for?

